The worms crawl in, The worms crawl out, The worms play pinochle on your snout… did anyone else sing that song as a kid? I just looked up the lyrics (yeeks!!), it’s a bit scarier than I remember!? I’m curious is they still sing it now… in any event, we decided to make wiggly, worms today (though they ended up looking a little like the hungry caterpillar) based on a craft project by Debbie of One Little Project that we found on Pinterest.

What you need
- 13+/- pom poms
- Googly eyes
- Glue
- Thread
- Needle (and needle threader if you have eyes like me!)
- Popsicle stick or similar
- Scissors
What to do
Select your pom-poms and set them aside. We used (lucky number) 13.

Thread a needle and string your pom poms on starting with the tail and working your way to the head.

Attach the thread to a popsicle stick, small dowel or similar starting with the head end. We eyeballed the thread length at about 4-5 inches. Then tie another piece of the same length to the tail about 3 pom poms in from the end. Glue the googly eyes on to the head and you are done!

What we thought
We loved the process more than the end product. It was our first time working with a needle and thread so that was great (only a couple little pin pricks!). If you have one kiddo playing you’ll problaby be fine, but these little creatures didn’t last long with two six-year-olds doing free play.
In addition to the wiggly worm craft we kicked the day off with worm shaped pancakes (fun!) and watched a couple worm videos so we could learn a bit more about these little creepy (and cute!?) crawlers.

Did you know that worms breathe through their skin?