Bird Nest Project

We love “Bird Builds a Nest” written by Martin Jenkins and illustrated by Richard Jones (the illustrations are perfect!). So happy it’s in the handful of books that we checked out from the Watertown library before the Conivid-19 social distancing lockdown. I am happy to read it over (and over) again.

We decided to build our own nest today. We read the book again (twice actually!). Then spent some time watching videos of birds building nests before we headed out to get some sunshine and fresh air. This is by far may favorite social distancing #arttogethergallery project to date.

Bird Builds a Nest
Zoe and her nest
Lydia and her nest

What you need

  • Sticks and Twigs
  • Flowers
  • Vines

What to do

We started by collecting a bunch of supplies. We had a wind storm the other evening and woke up to lots of down branches so there was an abundance of fresh (sap filled!) pine branches to choose from.

Collecting pine branches

We also pulled a few vines from our fence that were perfect for wrapping and tying the nest together.

Gathering vines

Just like “Bird Builds a Nest” we pushed and pulled pieces together to create the a wreath like frame. Then we filled in the rest with flowers and other soft bits from our yard.

Building the base

What we thought

This was a super fun project. We spent a few hours out in the sun and fresh air, and Lydia and Zoe were so proud when they finished. It challenged them to think about the best way to engineer their nest to keep everything together. Plus, as an added bonus, we were able to give our remaining Easter eggs a home.

Nest full of eggs
Nest full of eggs

The girls loved this nest building video…

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