Speedy cheetahs are a favorite with Lydia and Zoe! Today they picked a cheetah craft printable (print, color and fold) by Sue over at First Palleten from our #arttogethergallery Pinterest board.

What you need
- Card stock
- Scissors
- Markers or crayons
What to do
Start by printing out the cheetah template printable from First Pallette.

Color the cheetah in. We used markers (and a highlighter!). Yellow for the body and then pink and purple spots on top.

Cut the cheetah out.

Fold the cheetah up. Complete folding instructions are on the printable and can be found on Sue’s original blog post.

And tadah — you are done!

What we thought
This was a super simple cheetah craft project and Lydia & Zoe loved it! It inspired lots of super speedy free play. A big thumbs up!