Like a lot of folks, I find myself attempting to navigate being home 24/7 with my kiddos (identical twin six-year-olds) balancing “school”, free play, screen time (ugh!!!), lunch time, dinner time, bath time… so we turned to art!
When I first learned about social distancing, and that we would be home from school until May 4 (at least!), I decided to give myself and my little ladies a daily “art together” prompt. Something to look forward to, and to add a some structure to our day. Theirs and, let’s face it, mine.

We’ve been posting our creations on an instagram and tagging them with #arttogethergallery. As of the writing of this post, we’ve been making art everyday for 34 days. If we accomplish nothing else, we make art together each day.
Be gentle on yourselves and celebrate the small wins.
Kimberly, Zoe (left) and Lydia (right)