The “Big Print/Little Print” exhibition took a diverse look at all forms of hand printing – BIG and small, esoteric to accessible – including screen print, mono print, letterpress, woodcut, linocut, etching, stamped/stenciled work and more. “Big Print” featured work larger than two feet by two feet and “Little Print” work twelve inches by twelve inches or smaller. The exhibition was accompanied by “Uniform”, a screen print t-shirt exhibition and pop-up shop that explored the rise of the t-shirt as a modern day uniform for young and old alike. The opening reception invited attendees to try their hand at screen printing through BYOT-shirt live screen printing with exhibiting artist Dave Tree. Part of an on going effort to engage visitors with art making processes.

Mosesian Center for the Arts, March 9 – April 14
Kimberly Thompson Panay (planning and curation)